Ammonia/R717 Recovery System

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The ammonia recovery system is aimed at companies involved in the disposal of WEEE waste, particularly in refrigeration systems, but it is also applicable in environments where ammonia gas emissions occur, such as landfills, the glass industry, or flexographic industries.

The goal of decarbonizing heat production has led to an increase in the production of heat pumps, with a market value of €14 billion in 2021. Ammonia (R717) is becoming increasingly popular compared to Freon because it does not harm the ozone layer, is non-flammable, and can be produced sustainably through water electrolysis. As a result, the demand for the disposal of ammonia-based heat pumps is growing significantly. Since ammonia is a toxic gas, it must be extracted before the refrigerators are shredded.

The ammonia extraction and recovery process is similar to the one used by Ulix Innovation for recovering Freon and R600. Using our custom-made hydraulic gun (“RF-GUN”), the operator punctures the chiller circuit, and the ammonia-water solution is vacuum-pumped. At this point, the solution enters the stripping tower, where the ammonia is separated from the water, which remains at the bottom of the column. The ammonia, after being cooled, is compressed until it liquefies and is stored in a special cylinder.

Alternatively, the ammonia-water solution can be sent to a water scrubber, where the ammonia is neutralized with sulfuric acid, producing ammonium sulfate. The ammonium sulfate can be treated to remove heavy metals (such as hexavalent chromium, often present in ammonia refrigerators), crystallized, and reused for agricultural purposes.

The system is fully automatic and managed by a PLC. It is monitored remotely and can be interconnected with the factory management system. This plant is significantly more cost-effective compared to sulfuric acid scrubbers, as it allows for ammonia recovery and eliminates disposal costs for ammonium sulfate.

High recovery efficiency (up to 99.4% ammonia removed)
ZERO disposal costs for ammonium sulfate
• Compact system with low maintenance
• Free collection of ammonia cylinders or ammonium sulfate

Plant design and optimization of existing systems
Staff training for optimal system use
System start-up and calibration at your site
Remote assistance for proper system operation